Give the data away
As you know, apps collect data and data is gold. That is why many companies sell their data. Not us. Your data is much too valuable to sell. We are going to give it away for free. Wait, what. I know right, we’re seriously going to give it away and I think you’ll support that.
Share the good news
Ok, now that your interested and fuming at the same time let me explain. I’ll start by telling you a story of when I was a young teenager and discovered something that would change my life forever. No, I’m not talking about planking or Heelys. It was the day I found out the keyboard shortcut for copying and pasting. Now before you Millenials think “how stupid can this guy be”, let me tell you, there was a time when all I knew was mouse clicks. So what did I do with this new revelation? Did I keep it a secret? Not at all! I was telling everyone. Why? because it CHANGED MY LIFE. I wanted to help others save as many time waisting mouse clicks as they could. Can you relate? Have you had a similar life-altering experience like this? Did you keep that a secret or did you share it with your friends? If you kept it a secret than your probably one of those “cool kids” who actually wore Heelys and thought planking was cool.
Giving away data
What does all this have to do with collecting and giving away data? We are not going to giving away your personal data, we would never compromise your security. What we will do however is give washed data to a foundation that would use it to create research studies in an effort to prove how people can better their lives. Imagine having all of this data and not sharing it with others. What we could do with this is help show, through research, what lifestyle changes are helping people live longer, healthier, and empowered lives. Although we are not there YET we plan on working with larger organizations such as the WHO to give our data too in an effort to help people around the globe. If I may dream for a second, imagine what it would be like to show, scientifically, what practical steps people are taking to better their lives and the outcomes of those decisions. With this data, we feel like we could help make the world a better place. Let’s create a culture that supports this, no need to sell data back to people that may help change their life for the better, let’s give it away for free.
Common theme’s
One of the themes within the eY platform is community. With our wraparound model, we enable you to create your team from not only friends and family but from professionals and industry. We do this because to truly create the systemic change we desire, we need to invite industry to the party. Forces of change come from all areas, sometimes it’s a coach’s guidance or a friend’s encouragement, but it can also be as simple as a new pair of running shoes that get us motivated to get off the couch and out the door.
Another common theme is systemic thinking. Best described by article: a systems thinking model:
the iceberg, explains it this way- “Systems thinking is a way of approaching problems that asks how various elements within a system — which could be an ecosystem, an organization, or something more dispersed such as a supply chain — influence one another. Rather than reacting to individual problems that arise, a systems thinker will ask about relationships to other activities within the system, look for patterns over time, and seek root causes.” The phrase here is root causes. To facilitate systemic change you have to think about what is the root cause. This is in part why we are so excited about what the Institue for Functional Medicine (IFM) is trying to achieve. They are disrupting the current healthcare system by not stopping at symptom management, but looking at what are the deeper root causes to sickness and disease. They are taking a systemic approach to healthcare.
The last theme I’ll focus on is the concept of whatever completes you. This is a concept Magnus created a few years back with his “Hackers Delight” project. As he puts it, in his Swedish accent, “It’s all about creating what you need in order to succeed- as in balance and over time recreate your new normative! It could be all about love and meeting that one that just makes you feel complete!”
We have taken this concept and implemented it into how we communicate eY. You see, we are not here to put you through a program or tell you to do X, Y, Z. We simply want to be a place that enables whatever completes you. For some this may look like running a marathon, for others, it may be about prioritizing themselves and their health, for others it may be the realization that they are worth overcoming the obstacles that try and hold them back in life. You see, we are all so unique and different and because we celebrate and embrace this individuality, we don’t believe in prescribing one remedy for the masses.
So how do we enable everyone who is completely individual from one another? Well that is up to you really. We can give you the tools but if you don’t swing the hammer that nail won’t ever move. That’s the beautiful thing about eY, you are taking control of your life to do and be whatever completes you.
I hope now you see some of the thinking behind eY and what we are trying to accomplish. Does this resonate with you? What’s important about this to you? Let us know, we are always looking for input from other like-minded thinkers.
To read more about eY check out this post: Creating a business model that celebrates you